About me

Bonjour et bienvenue!

Sewing Tidbits Profile pictureMy name is Delphine, and this is my sewing blog! Sewing and writing about it is what I do when I’m not working, taking care of my baby or traveling. I started sewing at 14,  with the help of my grandmother. I move a lot for work but my sewing machines are always following me. What I make has been changing over time but construction, pattern making and draping are what I love about making my own clothes!

On this blog I mainly document my sewing, you can have an overview of my handmade wardrobe here. I also like to discuss what is going on in the sewing and fashion world in my Tidbits posts. I offer a free pencil skirt pattern  and I’m also the co-founder of Just Patterns, a new sewing pattern company creating affordable patterns inspired by high-end Ready-to-Wear.

I’m initially from Paris, France where I lived until 2009. Since then, I moved to Zambia,  Haiti and New York City and I am now back in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I travel regularly and love to meet other dressmakers for coffee and fabric shopping so don’t hesitate to get in touch!

8 thoughts on “About me

  1. Veronique Paterson

    Hello there,
    I stumbled upon your blog while looking at seeing patterns and the fact that you once lived in Zambia caught my eye 🙂
    My husband is being moved there for work next month and I will be joining him in the new year.
    I have found it difficult to find any perspectives on what it is like to live there. Can you tell me a little bit of your experiences? Where did you shop? Where did you live?
    I am currently living in Australia but have lived in France the UK and Mongolia.
    I also love your blog

  2. Diana

    Hello Delphine! You have a terrific blog and I love your posts! I have a strong interest in patternmaking, upcycling clothing and millinery. I look forward to your upcoming projects. Thank you for sharing!

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